
stories and insights
Nov 22nd 2022
What does it mean to be a benefit corporation?This is a question that more and more consumers are asking, as this type of company grows in popularity. In short, benefit corporations put their customers first, rather than being driven solely by profits. What this means at Ouragins is that we prioriti [...]
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Nov 17th 2022
Nursing is a popular profession with about 3 million Registered Nurses in the United States. These registered enjoy a high level of job satisfaction with 81% of nurses said they were satisfied with their jobs. There are a bunch of reasons to consider becoming a nurse, but here are the top 5.Job Sati [...]
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Nov 5th 2022
Being in medical careers can be particularly gratifying, but the job is far from a walk in the park. Nurses and other healthcare professionals are not only experts in patient care, but they also give and provide their all on the job. However, the emotional work can be taxing for some. Add those 12-h [...]
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